‘James Potts: #1 john in Boston’ (ISBN: 978-0-9841422-5-5)
(286 fun pages)
"Beyond your imagination; a collection of hilarious, unusual and extremely perverse sexual fantasies from Half-Lady Lisa’s boudoir
"Get excited! Get perverse! I can't be bothered to write reviews, however, I read reviews others have written about something
I am thinking of purchasing or acquiring, or someplace I am going to visit, to help me make a decision or to see if I will be happy.
But after reading " James Potts" by author Half-Lady Lisa, I am compelled to give a review, of her book. I can relate to the subject
matter of this book, and it mirrors many of my own personal sexual experiences through the years and coincidentally through the Phoenix
Adult Section. It stirs up memories of experiences both good and bad, and some exceptionally sensual and vivid in my mind today.
Lisa's book takes the reader into the world of sexual taboo for some, and the sexual expressions for others of us. She takes us inside
that world and reveals some of the secrets and talks about things the rest of us only wonder about. Lisa's style of writing is honest,
refreshing and intoxicating. She leaves no stone unturned to spark the imagination of the reader, be they experienced or novice. Each time
I came away from reading, stimulated, my imagination fueled by Lisa's provocative honesty of the world of escort services and their "johns".
For some this book could serve as informative and educational, almost like a training manual, for those of us more experienced or
worldly, this book is like watching a movie filmed in your hometown, in that you can identify the various locations, and scenes, that
filming took place, it is like that with Lisa's book, you can identify and know that you have been there, or if you have been thinking of
going there you have a better idea of what to expect and what you can experience.....could there be a movie here too? If you have thought about
it, Lisa talks about it. Lisa's books take you there, behind the scenes, let your imagination go. Can't wait to finish " Thai Tranny Tales " ,
and read the rest of her books."